Tag Archives: 2Cycle
Home Depot – RYOBI 20" 50cc 2-Cycle Gas Chainsaw w/ Heavy-Duty Case $149
Troy-Bilt 25-cc 2-cycle 17-in Curved Shaft Gas String Trimmer with Attachment and Edger Capability $44.5
Thumb Score: +3
I was searching for a gas string trimmer. I use maybe twice per year. Reviews vary from terrible to great. Never seen one this low so I decided to take a chance. I was able to buy online with free shipping. I will post an update after trying it out.
Husqvarna 435 16″ 40.9cc Gas Powered 2-Cycle Chainsaw $159.99
Thumb Score: +1
Priced $ 199.99
Use 20% off code with code PRETTYDAY to make it $ 159.99
Some eBayers receive 15% Bonus eBay bucks with purchase totalling $ 30 effectively making this chainsaw $ 129.99
Use 20% off code with code PRETTYDAY to make it $ 159.99
Some eBayers receive 15% Bonus eBay bucks with purchase totalling $ 30 effectively making this chainsaw $ 129.99
Husqvarna 610000155 50:1 XP 2-Cycle Oil 1-Gallon Mix, 2.6-Ounce – $1.11 + FS w/Prime
Thumb Score: 0
Link : https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B0042…redirect=1
Even better if you get that no-rush buck
Hitachi RB24EAP 23.9cc 2-Cycle Gas Powered 170 MPH Handheld Leaf Blower $96.5 +Free Shipping @Amazon
Thumb Score: 0
Amazon has Hitachi RB24EAP 23.9cc 2-Cycle Gas Powered 170 MPH Handheld Leaf Blower on sale for $ 96.5. Shipping is free.
Amazon – Husqvarna 150BT 50.2cc 2-Cycle Gas Backpack Blower $246.99
Sears Briggs and Stratton 2-Cycle 32 oz fuel mix 40:1 for $5 with $2 worth of SYWR points (Rolling) In-store pickup only
Thumb Score: 0
Sears.com has the 2-cycle fuel 32oz cans for $ 5 with $ 2 worth of SYWR points (rolling when you spend at least $ 1.01 OOP total). Points will post NEXT DAY. Regular price is $ 6.49.
Online only and for store pickup only.
Online only and for store pickup only.
It is 32 oz. of specially formulated full synthetic oil, 90+ octane ethanol-free gasoline and fuel stabilizer pre-mixed ratio.
For in store pick up only
-Fuel stabilizer keeps gas fresh up to two years after can has been opened
Weed Eater W25CFK 15″ 2-Cycle Fixed Line Gas Trimmer $72.99 at VMInnovations
Thumb Score: 0
Weed Eater W25CFK 15" 2-Cycle Fixed Line Gas Trimmer [vminnovations.com] for $ 72.99 via "H5RKWE"
Amazon – Hitachi 23.9cc 2-Cycle Gas Powered Handheld Leaf Blower $102.99
eBay – Poulan Pro PP4218A 18" 42CC 2-Cycle Gas Chainsaw (Refurb) $79.99
Burning! Craftsman 2-Cycle fuel mix 40:1/50:1 HOT BUY $3.99 Free Store Pickup only @Sears.com only
Thumb Score: 0
Sears.com has the 2-cycle fuel 32oz cans on Hot Buy for $ 3.99. Regular price is $ 6.49.
States "online only" and for store pickup only.
States "online only" and for store pickup only.
40:1 fuel mix [sears.com]
50:1 fuel mix [sears.com]
It is 32 oz. of specially formulated full synthetic oil, 90+ octane ethanol-free gasoline and fuel stabilizer pre-mixed ratio.
For in store pick up only