Tag Archives: $276.50

$276.50: Motorola MG8725 Ethernet WiFi 6 Router + Multi-Gig Cable Modem (Lightning Deal)

$  276.50: Motorola MG8725 Ethernet WiFi 6 Router + Multi-Gig Cable Modem (Lightning Deal)

Thumb Score: +1
Amazon [amazon.com] has Motorola MG8725 Ethernet WiFi 6 Router + Multi-Gig Cable Modem for $ 384.95 – $ 40 when you ‘clip’ the coupon on product page = $ 276.50. Shipping is free.

$ 133.50 lower (33% savings) than the list price of $ 410
$ 108.45 lower (28% savings) than the previous price of $ 384.95

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