Tag Archives: 2019/iPad

iPad Air 3rd Generation (2019)/iPad Pro 10.5″ (2017) – Detachable Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard with Magnetic Smart Case Cover [Dark Blue Color] $12.69

iPad Air 3rd Generation (2019)/iPad Pro 10.5" (2017) - Detachable Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard with Magnetic Smart Case Cover [Dark Blue Color] $  12.69

Thumb Score: +2
The dark blue versions either w/ or w/o Apple Pencil holder are significantly discounted.

[$ 12.69] Without Pencil Holder: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SG57…=UTF8&th=1

[14.07] With Pencil Holder: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07SG578C4/ref=twister_B07SZ4YCCD?_encoding=UTF8&th=1​ [amazon.com]

Shipping is free for prime members.

Sorry, this is my first post. Please let me know if I should edit anything.

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