Tag Archives: $1.00

$1.00 off any online rental at Redbox today only with code

Thumb Score: +2
Use code APRILFOOLS for $ 1 off any rental (online only)


"Promo code terms: expires 4/1/16 at 11:59:59pm. Limit: 1 code per transaction, regardless of # of rentals. 1 time use of code only. Valid online only in the amount of the discount stated off of the first day’s rental fee for a DVD, Blu-ray Disc® or video game."

Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

HOOSIERS (A MUST-SEE MOVIE!) $1.00 Streaming-Rental from Amazon or Itunes

HOOSIERS (A MUST-SEE MOVIE!) $  1.00 Streaming-Rental from Amazon or Itunes

Thumb Score: 0
If you haven’t seen this film (about an unknown basketball team that beats all the odds, w/ Gene Hackman playing their coach), check-it-out.
2016 is the 30th-anniversary of this film’s release, and it has been given high-praise by critics and regular-folks alike. (It was also voted as one of the "best sports films" in history). Wikipedia has some interesting trivia about the film’s basis, on true events in Indiana.
I’m not really a sports fan, but I loved this well-made film. And Roger Ebert closed his review with the comment, "It’s a movie that is all heart." :heart:

Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

*Back Again*–Oreo Cookies $2.38 for Original or Mega Stuf with 20% coupon (opt for No Rush shipping, get $1.00 credit)

Thumb Score: 0
Hi All,

texasman had the original threads (one and two), but they’ve expired and I can’t add to them. I’m here to re-ignite the Oreo craving for all you Nabisco Nom Noms 🙂 :lmao::lmao:

Oreo Original 14.3oz (Prime or No Rush shipping) [amazon.com]
**$ 2.98 price now showing in "Other Sellers" (coupon still valid, discount taken on final order page)
**Got the No Rush shipping option, since it’s a free dollar and will have to wait anyway…

Oreo Mega Stuf 13.2oz (Add-On only) [amazon.com]

Get them before they sell out again–be on the lookout, it appears Oreo Mega Stuf is in stock now, but Orea Original/Standard is on back order until 3/18 at the $ 2.98 price (higher priced sellers have them in stock, lol)


Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

Microbiome Plus+ GI – Ultimate Probiotic and Prebiotic Supplement $1.00 AC FSSS

Microbiome Plus+ GI - Ultimate Probiotic and Prebiotic Supplement

$  1.00 AC FSSS

Thumb Score: +8

Please be kind to your fellow SDers and reply if you use a code. If these are swooped up, I should be able to grab more.

Single use codes:

Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

Lowe’s: Interceramic Pearl Latte Glass Mosaic Square Indoor/Outdoor Wall Tile $1.00 YMMV (Yet Another Price Drop)

Lowe’s has on sale:
Interceramic Pearl Latte Glass Mosaic Square Indoor/Outdoor Wall Tile (Common: 12-in x 12-in; Actual: 12.52-in x 12.52-in)

Now just $ 0.93/sq foot, or $ 1 per tile, through…

This is a content summary only. Please visit Slickdeals.net for the full details.
Slickdeals.net – Hot Deals

Premium Forskolin Ultra Trim: Coleus Forskohlii Root Extract Dietary Supplement (60 – 250mg Caps) $1.00

Use the Coupon Code “LOSEFAT1” to receive the Special $ 1 Price! Expires 08/12/14 or While Supplies Last! *Free Shipping with Amazon Prime or Orders of $ 35 or more.

This is a content summary only. Please visit Slickdeals.net for the full details.
Slickdeals.net – Hot Deals

BIC Brite Liner Grip Highlighters (5-pk.) – $1.00 w/ In-Store Pickup @ Staples

Staples [staples.com] has the BIC Brite Liner Grip Highlighters (5-pk.) [staples.com] for $ 1.00 w/ free in-store pickup. Includes yellow, pink, green, orange and blue highlighters.

* Chisel tip…

This is a content summary only. Please visit Slickdeals.net for the full details.
Slickdeals.net – Hot Deals

Safeway Starbucks $1.00 Any Grande Iced Tea – Starbucks Kiosk Only YMMV

Saw this at the bottom of my Safeway J4U online coupons


Starbucks Any Grande Iced Tea
16-oz. Limit 1. At the Starbucks Kiosk. expires 7/29/2014…

This is a content summary only. Please visit Slickdeals.net for the full details.
Slickdeals.net – Hot Deals