Switchbot Blind Tilt Motorized Blinds (3 x blind tilt + Hub 2 combo) $175

Thumb Score: 0
Best deal I’ve found so far. With the coupon code, comes to $ 175 for 3 blind tilt mechanism and 1 Hub 2 (with matter). Significantly cheaper that the similar version on Amazon ($ 234.99). Similar priced one on Amazon for $ 179.99 includes Hub mini (non matter version).

Product Details:
Makes Retrofitting Blinds Easy: SwitchBot Blind Tilt removes the need to replace existing louvers, and with simple installation, you can make your blinds smart instantly.

Endless Solar Battery Life: Our smart blinds feature a built-in 2000mAh lithium battery, and includes a solar panel for endless environmentally-friendly charging.

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