Go & Grow by Similac Food Mix-ins Powder Packs, Toddler Food Nutrients, 4 pks of 10 sticks, $8.96 or $6.97 w/ Amazon S&S PRIME ONLY

Thumb Score: +1
Amazon [amazon.com] has Go & Grow by Similac Food Mix-ins Non-GMO Powder Packs, Toddler Food Nutrients, 4 packs of 10 powder sticks for $ 19.96. Clip $ 10 off coupon on product page and check out w/ S&S and final cost will be $ 8.96 or $ 6.97. This is going for $ 10/pk everywhere else.

About the Product
Make meals more nutritious with 3 grams of protein, 3 grams of fiber and our exclusive blend of OptiGRO nutrients (DHA, Lutein and Vitamin E) in an all-in-one packet (8.7 grams)

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