Thumb Score: -12
Walmart price mistake @ $ 40.
I went to Walmart today to buy this and the sign (regular price sign, not a sale) said $ 39.84. It rang up at $ 60 so they adjusted it for me and didn’t allow me to buy a 2nd one.
It appears to be a price mistake. They removed the tag from my store, and I’m sure will be fixing the error, so YMMV. I went to a 2nd walmart, and they had the same price mistake, but they had none in stock.
At any rate, it’s a good set, as the tracks alone are $ 22, so you get all the extra hooks for an extra $ 18.
As an alternative, Home Depot has it for $ 45, which also isn’t bad. Probably some coupons around and Discover has 5% CB for home improvement and I also think they’re on Discover Deals if you do instore pick up.