Enel X JuiceBox 40 AMP Electric Vehicle (Level 2 240V EV) Charger Station – CLOSEOUT deal with free Shipping $100

Enel X JuiceBox 40 AMP Electric Vehicle (Level 2 240V EV) Charger Station - CLOSEOUT deal with free Shipping $  100

Thumb Score: 0
Warning the site is slow and with many ppl try to access it might down the site but the deal is still working. You have to be patient to access the site to order.

Enel X JuiceBox 40 AMP Electric Vehicle (Level 2 240V EV) Charger Station – CLOSEOUT deal with free Shipping $ 100
This is a close out deal
MSRP of $ 699 mark down to $ 100 with free shipping

1:30 PM PST Update
Due to a relative minor local online seller, their site might be slow to load page, etc during the busy hours. But I could order one and got a confirmation email with their tracking #.

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