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without saying the e r r 0 r word i will let you know that they currently list each two pack as 15 dolla.
you will see the verbiage that if you "Buy 4 Echo Buttons, Save $ 10. Add 4 Echo Buttons (2 packs of two each) to your cart and receive $ 10 off your order at checkout. Limited-time offer."
Now this will not actually process with order, and you will have to chat afterward to get 10 dolla gift card applied. originally got push back saying i had to buy 8 total to get deal, but got supervisor and they applied the gift card to my account. Whats interesting is that if you add 1 you get the 15 dollar price (negating the excuse that the 15 is when you buy 2 packs) and if you add 4 2packs you still dont see the credit apply.