Check your email with the subject- “Don’t miss your $10 reward at CVS® “ . YMMV!

Check your email with the subject- “Don't miss your $  10 reward at CVS® “ . YMMV!

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Check your email with the subject-"Don’t miss your $ 10 reward at CVS® " . YMMV!

Earn your $ 10 reward when you make QR code payments at CVS® stores

Eligible Purchase(s): Purchases made with a Valid Account using PayPal QR code functionality at participating CVS stores ("Eligible Purchases"). Eligible Purchases do not include: (1) any purchase made through PayPal checkout (the PayPal button), not using PayPal QR code functionality, (2) send/receive money transactions (including those marked as a "Goods and Services" payments), not using PayPal QR code functionality, (3) charitable donations, (4) purchases made using, (5) PayPal Cash Mastercard®, PayPal Cashback Mastercard®, PayPal Prepaid Mastercard®, PayPal Extras Mastercard®, and PayPal Business Debit Mastercard® purchases directly and not through a QR code purchase using a Valid Account; (6) purchases made in any other currency than USD; and (7) items excluded in CVS terms. If an Eligible Purchase is refunded, results in a failed capture, or otherwise does not complete during the Offer Period, that Eligible Purchase will not qualify for earning the Reward. For purposes of Reward redemption, Eligible Purchases also include any purchase made through PayPal checkout ((1) in the preceding sentence), not just purchases as CVS stores using the PayPal QR code functionality.

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