Amazon offering 25% coupon on Hefty Slider Freezer Bags (Quart, 140 Count)! With 5% S&S $9.78 $10.71

Amazon offering 25% coupon on Hefty Slider Freezer Bags (Quart, 140 Count)! With 5% S&S $  9.78 $  10.71

Thumb Score: +1
Hefty Slider Freezer Bags (Quart, 140 Count). My first post so please go easy. I didn’t find anyine else has posted it so I am not sure if this is a slickdeal

Clip the 25% off coupon (green button just below price).


$ 13.97

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$ 0.00

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-$ 0.70

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-$ 3.49

Total Before Tax:

$ 9.78

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$ 0.93

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$ 10.71…tBbBN33A9Z

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