IdeaCentre Y710 Cube $699 ($689 with edu or discover deals)

IdeaCentre Y710 Cube $  699 ($  689 with edu or discover deals)

Thumb Score: 0
My first time. Sorry if it’s not a deal for everyone. It is for me, and I couldn’t resist and bought one. For mini-itx fans like me….

I’ve been eyeing this for a long time, and have been examining it at the local Microsoft B/M store they have on demo. It looks really good in person, and is really study, and have a solid handle to lug it around (to LAN parties etc.)

1) I actually love the mini-ITX form, and the design of this chassis with solid handle.

2) *Looks* like the chassis can be recycled in the future with newer mini-itx motherboard. I looked and compared the mini-itx screw holes layout with the motherboard in the pic and it all lines up. The IO plates looks replacement and standard too. — this is what got me to pull the trigger to buy it! (that and the price was good).

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