$1: 6″ Monoprice 3.5mm Stereo Plug/Two 3.5mm Stereo Jack Cable Black at Amazon

$  1: 6″ Monoprice 3.5mm Stereo Plug/Two 3.5mm Stereo Jack Cable Black at Amazon

Thumb Score: 0
Amazon [amazon.com] has 6″ Monoprice 3.5mm Stereo Plug/Two 3.5mm Stereo Jack Cable Black for $ 1. Shipping is free with Prime or on $ 35+ orders.

$ 2.98 lower (75% savings) than the list price of $ 3.98
$ 3.74 lower (79% savings) than the previous price of $ 4.74

Customer reviews:
4.2⭐ / 43 global ratings

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