Swanson Tool Co T001WZ Framing Wizard (5 layout tools In-One) – Amazon – $7.97 F/S w/prime

Swanson Tool Co T001WZ Framing Wizard (5 layout tools In-One) - Amazon - $  7.97 F/S w/prime

Thumb Score: +3
[list][*] Material Type: Aluminum[*]INCLUDES THE SAME FEATURES AS 5 POPULAR TOOLS: Framing Square, Miter Square, Angle Finder, Saw Guide, and Try Square[*]FEATURES: Adjustable, sliding tab for locking the blade for repetitive angles and laying out 12 in on center[*]DURABLE MATERIAL: High-grade anodized aluminum construction features pitch finder and Swanson diamond cutout[*]EASY TO USE: Simultaneously mark top and bottom stud plates[*]PORTABLE: Compact design folds down to fit into a standard toolbox

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