12-Bags 3.03 oz Quaker Rice Crisps (Sour Cream & Onion or Sweet & Spicy Chili) $14.61 or $12.66 & More 15% AC w/s&s

12-Bags 3.03 oz Quaker Rice Crisps (Sour Cream & Onion or Sweet & Spicy Chili) $  14.61 or $  12.66 & More 15% AC w/s&s

Thumb Score: 0
$ 1.21 per bag / $ 1.05 15% per bag
Dollar General sells ’em for $ 1.50/Bag – Walmart $ 1.53

[LIST][*]Clip the 20% coupon and use Subscribe and Save at Checkout
[LIST][*]12-Bags 3.03 oz Quaker Rice Crisps (Sour Cream & Onion) [amazon.com] $ 14.61 or $ 12.66 15%
12-Bags 3.03 oz Sweet & Spicy Chili [amazon.com] $ 14.61 or $ 12.66 15%

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