San Francisco to Boston or Vice Versa $166 RT on JetBlue Airways (travel August) Nonstop

San Francisco to Boston or Vice Versa $  166 RT on JetBlue Airways (travel August) Nonstop

Thumb Score: +2
Hot! JetBlue Airways have round trip airfares travelling to and from Boston (BOS) and San Francisco (SFO) for $ 166 including taxes and fees. This is nonstop service.

Travel Availability:

Departs BOS: Aug 15-31
Returns: Aug 15-21

Departs SFO: Aug 15-21
Returns: Aug 15-19 and 21-31

Use those dates and plug into Priceline [], Orbitz [], JetBlue Airways [] or Expedia []. Bundling hotel with your airfare will save you money.

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