Boston to Los Angeles or Vice Versa $217 RT Nonstop (very limited April dates)

Boston to Los Angeles or Vice Versa $  217 RT Nonstop (very limited April dates)

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Jetblue, United and Delta Airlines have round trip airfares travelling to and from Boston (BOS) and Los Angeles (LAX) for $ 217, nonstop. On United and Delta they’re basic economy fares so choose JetBlue for a main cabin regular economy..

Travel Availability:
Departs BOS: April 3, 4, 9, 7, 23, 27
Departs LAX: April 15, 25,26, 27

Use dates and plug into Expedia [], Orbitz [] or Priceline [] to see which airline best serves your schedule. Bundling hotel with airfare will save money.

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