Cuisinart ICE-21 []
Price is $ 70 but you get 10% off for signing up to their email list (it should appear when you access the site otherwise clear your browser history) – make sure you check all the incoming email as my gmail account sent it to the spam folder.
This set comes with 2 bowls which is what makes it a decent deal; bowls retail for around 20 to 30 $ on amazon or others. The ice cream maker retails for $ 60 everywhere but you could get a 20% off at BB&B which makes it $ 48 but hte bowl is $ 30 at BB&B and 20 at Amazon which makes the combo at least $ 10 more expensive than this one.
Also note that the replacement bowl comes only in white, instead I bought the red one and comes with an extra red bowl if anyone cares about aesthetics.
Anyway, Mother’s day is coming up, could be a good gift and will deliver in time if ordered by th 6th of April.