Samsung 25R 18650 2500mAh 20A Battery – $2.25

Samsung 25R 18650 2500mAh 20A Battery  - $  2.25

Thumb Score: 0 has a crazy sale going on, best prices I’ve ever seen on these specific cells.
Have bought from this site half a dozen times, they’re legit.
Ordered 20 x 25R cells, shipping was $ 14, total w/ tax came to $ 65. That comes out to $ 3.25/cell total.
Still an unbeatable deal.

18650 Cells
Samsung 25R (2500mAh 20A) – $ 2.25…-25r-18650

Samsung 30Q (3000mAh 15A) – $ 2.75…amsung-30q

Slickdeals Hot Deals Forum

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