20-Count Raw Revolution 100 Calorie Organic Live Food Bar, Chocolate Coconut Bliss, 0.8oz Bars – $8.90 w/S&S, (As Low As – $7.96)

20-Count Raw Revolution 100 Calorie Organic Live Food Bar, Chocolate Coconut Bliss, 0.8oz Bars - $  8.90 w/S&S, (As Low As - $  7.96)

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All organic ingredients, cashews, sunflower seeds, agave nectar, coconut, dates, cocoa powder, almonds and sprouted flax seed
The Raw Rev 100 Chocolate Coconut Bliss bar is a healthy spin on your favorite almond candy or chocolate macaroon. A delicious combination of organic ingredients such as chocolate, coconut and almonds for a moist and delicious treat with a crunch.
Superfoods in every bite; Gluten free, Non-Gmo project certified, organic, vegan
3 grams of protein, 2 grams of fiber; High in trace minerals and vitamins; No refined sugars, no trans fats or hydrogenated oils.

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